a poem for the day
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the path you take

when people go away from home. to see places, like all mighty Rome to see the stars the night the day. The people that speak different then the food the the drinks the  life that knows, they is no life for them that go.
The men the women the boys, the girls. the people that will miss you wear ever you go. Your family will say please do not go we will miss you so. But when your mind is made up and there is nothing i can do all we have to say is good bye to you.
We will be sad and it will be hard but it is your path to walk and you most walk it alone. One step at a time you will get there if you are true, Because there is nothing i can do to stop you from running away. But i will tell you one thing (i wish you would stay).for when you go away to the death and cold better war it will stay with you for every there is know getting away from the the blood that drains from the body. from the scream,s when the family,s have hard abort the death. it will be your folt you will be to Belem know else. you are a murder of those people,s fame.
and when it is your tern to take the plague we will be sad for the loss of you but one thing for such you killed those men so you should die to.  


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