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The Stone Throwers:
A Man-Hunt For Vietnam War Draft Evaders

Phoenix Envy - Rewrite

Illustrious creation creation shattering make into mysterious
Dust of stardust shattering out of ambience abrient of ushering illuminating Sun
Moments Momentary In The Influx Ttttttaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

ggggggggggggggggggggg On
Metal wings in the sky
Nerves Vein In Humans Will
Flying through high, flying through the mid drift of the heavens in site
Sunder Sun through the darkness through the night
Of the Heavens In Their Site

Heroes soar into the creating hearth
(Guitar Solo)

[Verse 2]
never fall
Plane's Of Silver,
Going through the morning dawn evening night heeding mid drift heeding call
Sky above stars align
In the morning dawn evening night their armor shines

SilverHeaven's taking flight
Guardians of the endless dawn morning evening night
Wings of steel hearts of gold
Stories of their courage told

[Verse 3]
Surging through the cosmic storm
Fearless in their silver form
Galaxies their battle ground
In silence they make their sound

taking flight
Guardians of the endless dawn morning night
Wings of steel hearts of gold
Stories of their courage told

Evil's melodious force's parallel to combat
SilverAberrant ambience never, flying on silver wings
Guardians ambience assisting the Cosmos, so bright,
Shining stars in darkest night

Note: I death threatened again. Why not delusion, the internet device battery is low - so I played video games. Whoever never ceased screaming. Again I never was in Assisted Education nor Special Education in College, the College System forced me to sign documentation after a particular USA High School Senior Class Field Trip.

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