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I began writing fantasy stories in junior high, the same time that I became "hooked" on reading. At that time I discovered the writings of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, and Lin Carter. While I may never match their power and style, I do my best to channel the spirit of adventure that permeated their work, and give it expression so that others may come to know the wonder and imagination that is heroic fantasy.
I currently work in retail 40-48 hours a week, and write in whatever "spare" time I find. I also enjoy disc golf and most sports, though unfortunately I swim like a rock. I once tried to teach myself to swim by jumping in the deep end of a pool. Though thrashing furiously, I sank just as fast, and wound up walking a- long the bottom and out the shallow end. I am a voracious reader, and the walls of my study are lined with bookcases crammed with books, all of which I have avidly devoured. I am also a collector of fantasy books, especially the older material. Burroughs and Howard remain my favorite authors, though a new writer, David Gemmel, ranks a close third. Other inspirations are Andre Norton, Michael Moorcock, L. Sprague deCamp, and Lin Carter. I hope to eventually publish fantasy novels of my own, and join the ranks of those who have inspired me... |
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